NPSTC Foundation
Your donation can help save and improve the quality of many lives.
NPSTC Foundation Donor Recognition
- Donor Recognition Terms are measured in 12-month increments
- Five levels of Recognition are available

Diamond Level
- Each Recognition will include your company logo, slogan/headline, and your website address
- You will receive a table-top plaque/display that you may display when your company is exhibiting at any conference or event
- The NPSTC Foundation’s website will list Diamond donors for their respective recognition and provide hyperlinks to each donor’s website

Diamond Level ................. $50,000 or More

Ruby Level ..................... $25,000 to $49,999

Emerald Level ............... $15,000 to $24,999

Sapphire Level ................ $5,000 to $14,999

Support Level ......................... $0 to $4,999

Ruby Level
- Each Recognition will include your company logo, slogan/headline, and your website address
- You will receive a table-top plaque/display that you may display when your company is exhibiting at any conference or event
- The NPSTC Foundation’s website will list Ruby sponsors for their respective recognition and provide hyperlinks to each donor’s website

Emerald Level
- Each Recognition will include your company logo, slogan/headline, and your website address
- You will receive a table-top plaque/display that you may display when your company is exhibiting at any conference or event
- The NPSTC Foundation’s website will list Emerald sponsors for their respective recognition and provide hyperlinks to each donor’s website

Diamond Level
- Each Recognition will include your company logo, slogan/headline, and your website address
- You will receive a table-top plaque/display that you may display when your company is exhibiting at any conference or event
- The NPSTC Foundation’s website will list Diamond donors for their respective recognition and provide hyperlinks to each donor’s website

Ruby Level
- Each Recognition will include your company logo, slogan/headline, and your website address
- You will receive a table-top plaque/display that you may display when your company is exhibiting at any conference or event
- The NPSTC Foundation’s website will list Ruby sponsors for their respective recognition and provide hyperlinks to each donor’s website

Emerald Level
- Each Recognition will include your company logo, slogan/headline, and your website address
- You will receive a table-top plaque/display that you may display when your company is exhibiting at any conference or event
- The NPSTC Foundation’s website will list Emerald sponsors for their respective recognition and provide hyperlinks to each donor’s website

Sapphire Level
- Each Recognition will include your company logo, slogan/headline, and your website address
- You will receive a table-top plaque/display that you may display when your company is exhibiting at any conference or event
- The NPSTC Foundation’s website will list Sapphire sponsors for their respective recognition and provide hyperlinks to each donor’s website

Support Level
Each Recognition will include your name and if applicable your website address
You will receive a certificate that you may display in your office or at appropriate events
The NPSTC Foundation’s website will list Support sponsors for their respective recognition and provide hyperlinks to each donor’s website

Sapphire Level
- Each Recognition will include your company logo, slogan/headline, and your website address
- You will receive a table-top plaque/display that you may display when your company is exhibiting at any conference or event
- The NPSTC Foundation’s website will list Sapphire sponsors for their respective recognition and provide hyperlinks to each donor’s website

Support Level
Each Recognition will include your name and if applicable your website address
You will receive a certificate that you may display in your office or at appropriate events
The NPSTC Foundation’s website will list Support sponsors for their respective recognition and provide hyperlinks to each donor’s website